April 27, 2020
Whether you yourself or your loved one is going through a rough time, the experience can truly shake your world and test your ability to stay positive and hopeful. It is in the time of adversity that our character is really being tested and how you cope with it will ultimately define your further life.
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April 20, 2020
Life doesn’t owe you anything! Yes, you read that right, life doesn’t owe you anything and it is not prepared to give you anything simply because you think you deserve it or because you believe that the world owes you.
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April 13, 2020
Being self-made means never making an excuse as to why you can't take steps toward whatever your goal is. Your legacy is being written by you. Make the right decisions and remember; The Self Is Made. Not Given. Stay Tuned!
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April 06, 2020
DSDNT Face Shields NOW AVAILABLE! ⚡ - Get a glimpse at some of our new prints dropping soon! The current global recommendation is that you should wear a mask when outdoors to stay safe. That doesn't mean you can't look bad ass while doing so. Enjoy our DSDNT Mask collection. Specialty designed face masks for the extraordinary.Specialty designed face masks for the extraordinary.
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April 05, 2020
We all acknowledge that these are challenging times for us all but they also provide an opportunity to move our lives forward in a new way highlighting our opportunities for growth. Now is the time to push pause, and shine the light of awareness on how we’ve been living.What have we been doing that’s working?
What have we been doing that’s not working? These difficult times are giving us the opportunity to look inward, reflect on what truly matters, and connect with ourselves and our loved ones on a deeper level.
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March 30, 2020
There is no denying the fact that this world we live in, is changing. What we know, and what many believe in, is in danger. It is inevitable that there will be shifts and there will be movements. We are all treading unknown waters, and there are many out there that think this is out of our control. That we are indeed separating, that our social interactions and our ability to live our lives is breaking down, that it is cracking, and it is on the brink of failure. THIS IS NOT TRUE.
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March 22, 2020
As leaders around the world deal with the COVID-19 crisis, these difficult time are valuable reminder that, in times of heightened anxiety and stress, we must remain calm, adapt and overcome!
To adapt, and overcome is a powerful way of thinking for any person who is faced with an obstacle in life. Adaptable people flourish amidst chaos while inflexible ones fall apart.
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March 16, 2020
With all the mass hysteria around COVID-19. We have all had some time to sit and think about the events over the past several days. Sure there has been craziness, reactions and responses. People scared, people angry, people who don’t give a shit about it. We can’t speak for everyone, we can only speak for ourselves; and hope what we have to say about this resonates with some of you.
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March 09, 2020
A particularly frustrating part of struggle is the ability that it has to stop us dead in our tracks IF we allow it. The potential embarrassment of failure freezes us. The possibility for rejection discourages us. The idea of disappointment makes us check out of the game.
The problem isn’t that our struggles trip us up and prevent us from moving forward. It’s that we choose to stay stuck on the problems. We agonize over them; we obsess and analyze and dissect them.
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March 02, 2020
Struggle is the best teacher: better than any leader, coach or mentor. But only when you embrace it, understand it, and you’re willing to go the distance. It may contain within it the lesson that teaches you patience, discipline, hard work, persistence or many other valuable life lessons that can only be learned by finding the gift within your struggle!
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