August 17, 2020
Want to see something done? Tell a human it can’t be done.
Tell us it’s impossible to walk on the moon, fly through the skies, run a hundred feet under 9.9 seconds or clone s sheep. Dangle the impossible in front of us and consider it done.
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August 10, 2020
Many people in life entertain many possibilities but not really committed to making any of them a reality. They want the best outcome, but they don’t want to do the work that is needed to achieve this. Most people won't fully commit and therefore achieve poor results and wonder why. The difference between people who achieve great success in the main areas of their lives compared to the people who don’t is the degree to how much they commit to themselves and their dreams.
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July 20, 2020
So many people think they aren't where they want to be, because they don't have the talent to do so, they aren't as "lucky" as others. In all honesty it takes about 10% talent to achieve something great, the other 90% is based on how much heart you have. How much you are willing to work when no one else is watching. Putting all you have into your ambitions, and never cashing out early. This is what separates you from the rest.
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July 13, 2020
Failure is a word that can easily be taken so many different ways. It is a word that can transition from context to content, and in reality; it holds a different meaning to all of us. In many cases and in many instances the word “failure” is perceived with a negative characterization.
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June 29, 2020
When it comes to achievement in any area of our life, there aren’t many things that hold us back quite like we hold ourselves back. Beyond our fear and lack of accountability, one of the biggest reasons most people struggle with accomplishing their goals is a lack of CONSISTENCY.
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June 21, 2020
We overestimate what we can do in a day and underestimate what we can achieve in just a few years. We want everything quick, instant feedback/results/output and if our brain realizes it requires more time and requires continuous effort, we somehow make excuses and quit that thing. Later again when we hear some advice again the same process goes. To be better than yesterday it requires patience to adapt.
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June 08, 2020
Gratitude is said to be the most powerful human emotion. It encompasses all other positive emotions such as joy, happiness, appreciation, and love. Gratitude has an incredible ability to alter moods, change perspectives, shift attitudes, and impact lives directly.
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May 25, 2020
Motivation is a flimsy thing. It ebbs and flows, and often abandons us when we need it most. That’s why we need something better than motivation to help us achieve our biggest goals. We need something deeper, stronger and more reliable. We need to STAY HUNGRY!
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May 18, 2020
You do not need to apologize for who you are, how you look, what you like and what you want to do with life. You cannot please everyone. Do the best you can for everyone around you but do not lose yourself in the process.
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May 11, 2020
When life throws you a curveball, if you lack adequate mental strength — challenges can fill you with self-doubt and anxiety. Those feelings, in turn, can then lead to negative thinking. This will affect your behavior, which can inadvertently turn your catastrophic predictions into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Staying strong in the midst of hardship requires you to manage your thoughts, feelings and behavior.
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