Mind over matter - we’ve all heard that phrase before. What exactly does it mean? Does it mean that if we think about something we want long enough, it will simply happen? Or, perhaps, it means that our mind is a powerful tool that we can all use to unlock our full potential and become better versions of ourselves? At Dissident, we believe in purposeful, directed thinking. We believe we all have a choice to live the lives we say we want for ourselves.
@deanl307 is our DSDNT Spotlight this month. Dean is a hard worker, consistent and always experiments with new workouts and routines. Dean embraces the DSDNT values by always pushing himself and testing new limits and never accepting the status quo. He's always willing to lend a helping hand and thrives off helping others others grow and realize they have the potential to become so much more!
Say hello to your new must have gear! We are extremely excited to bring these new, summer-inspired styles to our collection. From compression shorts to a sports bra to men's joggers, these new releases have something for everyone. Our team has worked very hard engineering and tweaking these new designs down to the last stitch to get every detail perfect. We cant wait to hear your reviews on the new gear because we know its going to amaze you!
We are giving away our best seller - the Dissident Tune Out Hoodie to two (2) lucky winners: one guy & one girl! Visit us on instagram @DissidentGymWear to participate!