Never agree to be satisfied with little. If you bargain with life for a penny or less, that is what you are going to get. If you want to be truly outstanding in your time, ditch the usual and delve into the limitless potentials that you already possess. Do not have small dreamsYou can never achieve anything bigger than your dreams. Dreams form the energy that drives us to accomplish things and how far you are willing to go is determined by the size of your dream. You need to expand your scope and dream bigger. What is your biggest dream right now? How can you make it bigger? No matter how big your present dream is, trust us, it can always be made bigger. |
Your association determines how far you will be able to go in life and what your attitude to life is. After all, birds of a feather flock together. You need to be sure that the people you are spending time with are those who are going somewhere and are conscious of that. Let the people you surround yourself with be the kind of people who are ready to challenge you into greatness, keep you accountable to the principles of excellence and who are there to support you on your journey to higher places.
Run away from the company of those who refuse to grow up, those who refuse to take responsibility for themselves and people who churn out excuses as if they are going to get paid for it.
The secret to a consistent improvement in the life of any individual is a commitment to renewal of the mind through study and other intellectual activities. If you want to perform, you need to give your mind what it needs to get you to set your mind on bigger things. If you mind dwells on little thing, it is because you have not been feeding it well. Refresh your mind and see it soar with inspirations. Show us your library and we will predict if you will succeed or not.
If there is one thing we want you to do with today, it is making it better than your yesterday. No matter how good you performed yesterday, you need to do better today. You are your best competition. Do not measure yourself by what you see around and by what people are doing or saying, who you need to beat is yourself. You need to come to the point where you decide to grow every day and be better because you have a dream and it is so high that you need to be my best to fulfill it.
Have you imagined the completely impossible? Do you see yourself attempting what has never been done before? When you share your ideas, do people wonder if you even live on this side of reality? We need you to position your mind in such a way that you will be limitless in your ability to see possibilities and to invent adventure. If you want to be truly phenomenal, you need to reach for the stars and you will see that there is nothing that cannot be achieved.
Do you trust yourself? Most of us don't ask that question too often as we naturally tend to think that we all do. What many of us don't realize is that your level of self-trust can be different about different things. You may trust your instincts and yourself in some things, like driving your car or caring for pets, for example. But what about when it comes to making big commitments or decisions? Do you trust your intuition and reasoning to make decisions that are actually yours and makeYOU happy and not someone else?
No matter how you handled yesterday, there is nothing you can do about it now. Whatever tomorrow has to offer has yet to be unveiled – and you have no control over it. The only time you can control is NOW – so bring your A-GAME and make the best of it. You may think you can just do it tomorrow – but tomorrow is a myth because there is always a tomorrow. If you are not going to do it now, then you may never actually get around to doing it. Make the best of the now and get right to what you planned to do. |