Life is short. If you want success, you need to be ready to bend your back, roll up your sleeves and sweat it out. Some people do not push themselves as hard as they can. We all love the idea of success and we all want it. However, you should not cross your two legs sipping tea when you are supposed to be working your butt off. Success only comes to those who are willing to pay its price and it can only be bought with the currency of hard labor and deliberate intention. Methodologically, getting out of your comfort zone entails doing whatever it is that makes you uncomfortable. This means doing things that you resist, hate, or even fear. As long as you do that, you will naturally expand your comfort zone. However, for you to want to push yourself out of your comfort zone constantly, to always be in the face of discomfort, uncertainty, and resistance, AND be okay with that, there needs be a reason, a spark, a fuel, that will drive you forward despite resistances. |
Knowing this reason is actually more important than learning tips and strategies to expand your comfort zone, because once you are driven by a vision bigger than you and a force bigger than any other, you will naturally do whatever it takes to achieve that vision. It is insanity to keep doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. If you want to become phenomenal, you may need to come out of your shell and be willing to try new things, even it feels uncomfortable at first.
Move towards your fear (rather than away from it). This means if you feel fearful about something, then feel the fear, and boldly do it anyway. Your fear dictates the things that lie outside of your comfort zone. By stepping into the emotion of fear, you are literally expanding your comfort zone.
Take actions different from what you normally do. Every little thing you do that is a deviation from your usual routine is one step outside of your comfort zone. For example, try a different route to work. Order a different dish from your favorite restaurant. You get the idea.
Fall in love with discomfort. The whole essence of moving out of one’s comfort zone is about learning be okay with being uncomfortable. Better yet, learn to love to be uncomfortable.
Constantly try new things. Make a point to try something new every week. It can be as simple as reading a new book, trying rock climbing, or something. Always be open to doing different things, as long as they fall within your personal agenda.
It’s easy to be comfortable.
Everything is status quo and nothing unexpected happens. You can stay in autopilot and just cruise through life with the same routine and events each and every day. But if you are like us… We can’t stand being comfortable. Anytime we feel comfortable where we are or feel like we are just going through the motions, we shake things up.
Why? Because progress can only take place outside of your comfort zone.
Do you trust yourself? Most of us don't ask that question too often as we naturally tend to think that we all do. What many of us don't realize is that your level of self-trust can be different about different things. You may trust your instincts and yourself in some things, like driving your car or caring for pets, for example. But what about when it comes to making big commitments or decisions? Do you trust your intuition and reasoning to make decisions that are actually yours and makeYOU happy and not someone else?
No matter how you handled yesterday, there is nothing you can do about it now. Whatever tomorrow has to offer has yet to be unveiled – and you have no control over it. The only time you can control is NOW – so bring your A-GAME and make the best of it. You may think you can just do it tomorrow – but tomorrow is a myth because there is always a tomorrow. If you are not going to do it now, then you may never actually get around to doing it. Make the best of the now and get right to what you planned to do. |