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Be The Game Changer

December 18, 2016

What separates people like Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King Jr., and Mark Zuckerberg from the rest of us? We believe many would agree, it is the vision they had for themselves.

Truth is, they are no different than anyone else in the world; they had their fair share of struggles and failures, but despite their setbacks they managed to become big time game changers in their fields of interest.

If you have a vision, a passion, or a dream within your heart, you are no different from anyone who has achieved uncommon success. You too can become a game changer.

The “game” is different for each person. What is it that you want to change?


  • Perhaps you want to lose weight or live a healthier lifestyle.
  • Do you want to break familial patterns of alcoholism or addiction or improve the relationships in your life?
  • Do you want to build a business empire that would give thousands of people job security? 
  • Or maybe you just want to live life on your own terms.
  • The game is whatever you want it to be, and you are the one who can change it.

It is a misconception that to be successful in life you have to be born into rich family, have a college education, become a manager by the time you are 25, and make your first million by the age of 30. What separates a game changer from someone who is simply drifting through life are personality traits, not the zip code nor the amount of dollars in one’s bank account.

If this reality strikes a chord in your heart and mind, you may have what it takes to be DISSIDENT. Shop our full selection of motivational workout shirts and workout accessories online now. Still not sure if you’ve got the soul of a game changer? Keep reading for more inspiration.

Game Changers Are Passionate

Have you ever met someone who speaks about their projects with such enthusiasm that it is almost tangible? A game changer has a passionate belief in their vision. They can paint a clear picture of what success looks like to them. They know what the end goal is and what steps they need to take to achieve it.

Game Changers Welcome Any Competition

Game changers don’t shy away from discussing their competitors. In fact, they you’ll often find them welcoming talks about whomever they’re up against, not because a game changer is arrogant, but because they’re confident. They believe in their cause and they’re in competition with themselves only, trying to outdo their last top performance and constantly improve.

Game Changers Aren't Afraid Of Change

When life throws a sudden turn at them, game changers don’t see it as a failure. They adapt, rethink their plan and move forward. They understand that no one can predict the future and that there is always more than one road to success.

Game Changers Are Great Communicators

They listen more than they speak and they are generally more sensitive to the moods of others. They are incredibly persuasive negotiators because of their sensitivity to other people’s expectations. They are transparent in their words. They do exactly what they set out to do, and when they cannot accomplish a task or make mistakes, they are very open about their failings.

Game Changers Understand Commitment

Inspirations come and go. Game changers know better than to sit and wait for their muse to show her face. They do the work when they least want it, and they stay committed to their goals no matter what. They may change their tactics, adapting to the new environment, but they will not stop pursuing what is important to their hearts.

Being a game changer means that you are choosing the most rewarding life for yourself. It will be difficult, you will spend endless hours working and dealing with frustrations of not getting where you want to be faster. We can promise you it will not be easy but all we know, it will be the best decision of your life.

Are most people capable of being game changers? Absolutely! Will most people become game changers? Probably not.

What will be your choice?

Be Dissident, Be You!
Dissident is a leader in fitness apparel, established to empower, motivate and promote confidence.
Shop our full selection of motivational workout shirts and gym wear

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You may think you can just do it tomorrow  but tomorrow is a myth because there is always a tomorrow. If you are not going to do it now, then you may never actually get around to doing it. Make the best of the now and get right to what you planned to do.
