Each week we bring you uplifting, empowering, and motivating themes and blogs. We at
Dissident Gym Wear look to inspire and help empower everyone we connect with. This
week we have decided to bring something a little different. We wanted to do something
that we as a brand and as a team/family are very passionate about. It is part of the
underlying purpose we have; and that is to HELP.
This week will be a week where we will focus energy, effort and attention to a topic that
needs more awareness. There are many that do, and this is only the beginning. We
want to utilize our passion for helping others, and for doing something for the greater
good. Many of us can relate to having a desire to do more in this world, and making a
positive impact. That is part of what we want to do this week.
So many lives each year, are lost. They are lost by a choice. A devastating choice. A
choice that sometimes those closest to them, never understand why. This is known as
the “silent killer.” There is something we can do about this. There are warning signs,
there are behaviors, there are tendencies and there are reasons. For those reasons,
warnings, behaviors and tendencies, there are resources available. There are crisis
lines, hotlines, call services, text support groups, online chat resources, app services,
and a network of real people willing to HELP. What can be done to assist with these
amazing resources, is to raise the awareness of their existence. Also to raise the
awareness of Suicide, its reasons, and how it can be prevented.
Roughly 47,000 people each year commit suicide in the US (hundreds of thousands
across the world). With that staggering number, each person we lose to suicide,
minimally has 6 other people that are impacted. Whether this be family, friends, or
colleagues. When you do the math, that is 282,000 people a year, are forever changed
and impacted by suicide. Now I want to give you one more statistic. It is by far the most
important statistic in regards to suicide. “Suicide is preventable.” That is a very hard
hitting and riveting statistic. All those lives, every single one of them could be prevented.
There are times in our lives where we have struggled, we have reached points where
“low” is an understatement. We have felt lost or alone, unwanted, or not cared about.
We may even feel as though there is not much for us to be striving for. That there is this
sense of abandonment brewing inside. This is not an abandonment by life to us, but by
us to our lives. There is a multitude of reasons and situations as to why this may
happen. There are so many triggers that can create this feeling. One of the most heart
wrenching and breathtaking triggers, is “loss.” It could be the loss of someone close,
loss of environment, loss of control, loss of purpose, and even a loss of self. This can be
amplified by situational stress, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, trauma, mental or
behavioral breakdown/impairments, fear, and also a state of unknowing. All of these
examples can skew our reality and we can fall to a dark place where there seems no
light, no hope, no help. This is where support is needed most. This is the time, and
these are the signs and behaviors that cry in the night for help; even when there is no
voice to be heard. This is where HELP CAN BE FOUND. You need to know “You Will
Be Found.”
“You may not be able to change people, but you can love them. And
that is always enough.”
Suicide is never an answer, it is transcendence. It is not an end, but a continuation, a
passing. When someone takes their own life, it may end their pain, but pain then passes
to those left behind. There are people here, in this world that can and will help. They are
perfect strangers, willing to listen to you, to hear you, to talk with you, to give you
attention and support when you need it most. They are not there to judge you, or
disregard your feelings and thoughts. They are there for one purpose, and that is to help
you help yourself. They are there not to try and simply keep you alive, but to help you
keep yourself alive. They are there to remind you that life is a gift, that you are alive for
a purpose, that this life is special regardless of whatever it is you are dealing with. You
have a heart that beats, it has a purpose and that is to keep you alive and breathing.
Just as this life you live has a purpose with you. If you question this, then ask for HELP,
talk, use the voice you were given, and speak up. There is never any shame in asking
for HELP, especially when that help is unconditionally given by those who care. It is
always waiting for you, it is always available to you, it is always wanting for you. It is
never too late to ask for HELP, it is never too late to start; again.
“There are people in this world that will see you when no one else
does. Hear you when no one else can. Guide you when you are lost,
and help you find your way back. As you are a lost ship in the storm,
these people are the Lighthouses.”
Sometimes there is also those who are reeling from the loss, that have experienced the
aftermath of suicide, the families, friends, survivors of the individual. They too need
help, possible counseling, and support. There are resources for those people too. That
need support in the wake of the loss, that need support to get through those difficult
times. Even so, those who experienced this and want to help in turn. There is much we
can do to help prevent suicide, to raise awareness, and to assist those in need. Please
look at the resources below. They are a few of the many that exist and can provide
excellent services and support to anyone in need of HELP.
* You can always find HELP 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, by calling the National Suicide
Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255
They also offer online chat at their website
* If you or someone you know is dealing with a military specific issue HELP can be
reached at 1-888-457-4838 or Text MIL1 to 839863
* Suicide Loss Survivors - Suicidology is a website that provides free online resources
for suicide loss, or suicide attempt survivors. Also those looking to help survivors.
* MY3 app is a suicide prevention app that is available to those struggling with thoughts
of suicide. It connects you to 3 awareness buddies that can be alerted when you need
them for support.
* If you are looking for information on suicide, risk factors, warning signs and behaviors,
go to suicidepreventionlifeline.org
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