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February 04, 2019


Seems like a very simple question at first glance, but once you start digging deeper, you'll quickly realize that in fact it is NOT. Not easy at all. When we are asking you, "What's Your Why?", we mean what is that driving factor that fuels what you do? What is it that you strongly believe in? What motivates you to get out of bed every morning and do what you do no matter what weather is outside or how tired you are? What Is Your WHY?

If you’ve ever faced a significant crisis in your life and were able to tap into reserves of energy and courage, you likely didn’t know you had, you have experienced the power of purpose and determination  Your mission was clear. Your goal was compelling. Your focus was laser-like. Your potential was tapped.  Having a clear purpose enables you to focus your efforts on what matters most, compelling you to take risks and push forward regardless of the odds or obstacles.

‘He who has a WHY can endure any how.’


Where do you get your motivation from? What is that feeling of determination you experience when you are about to start something new? In the beginning of any new adventure, like starting a new training program, for example, sheer excitement is usually motivation in itself. 

After a certain period of time, however, things can become stale. Perhaps, you have achieved your original goals, or maybe you have reached somewhat of a plateau. Or maybe the newness has just worn off? The question then becomes, where did all that motivation go? Why did it become so much more difficult to stick to your regime and continue with your fitness program?

When motivation starts wearing off, and have no doubt, it happens to absolutely everyone, even to the most passionate of us, it is only natural for you to start doubting everything you do. If you have been on a training routine for a while, you may stop seeing results, you may get tired or even bored. Whatever it is that you are experiencing, one way that you can rekindle your passion is by asking yourself one simple question: Why? Why did you start your training on the first place?

What is your WHY? Is it to prove the doubters wrong? Is it to prove yourself right? 

There are two types of motivation; intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation means that you motivation comes from within. You have the desire to perform a specific task, because its results are in accordance with your belief system or fulfill a desire and therefore you attach importance to it.

Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, means that your motivation comes from the outside. Extrinsic motivation requires you to scroll through endless Instagram posts looking for that #MotivationMonday or wait for a gym partner to show up and yell at you to finish off one more set. Intrinsic motivation, on the opposite, makes you go to the gym to perfect yourself and your movements. You go to make yourself better. Intrinsic motivation is the true meaning of “do more of what makes you happy.”

Whenever you feel like you are losing your motivation, go ahead and ask yourself why you do what you do. What was the reason behind starting on this path initially? Answering the Why can lead to a new mantra, clarity in goal setting, and an inner peace. In other words, newly found motivation!

Being one with the force that is driving you is what allows you to push forward through the down times, when motivation and willpower are not enough. Get to know the reasons that move you forward past discomfort, fear, and doubt. Be crystal clear about your Why and don’t lose sight of it, ever! Feel it in your veins and let it be your everlasting fuel. Let your Vision and reasons pull you instead of being pushed by less powerful and motivating reasons, like other people’s plan for your life or things that you’re not truly passionate about, but society tells you you should do.

The more specific your why, the more it can boost your energy. Instead of, “I want to be healthy” maybe it’s, “I want to be healthy so I feel better when I wake up in the morning so I can enjoy that time with my family.”

When you know your why, write it down and post it somewhere you’ll see it often!

Your why may change throughout your journey and that’s okay! Keep checking in with it and see how it changes as you make progress towards your goals.


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