No we don’t mean the “who are you, where do you live, where do you work” story. We mean what is the story you have been using as your reason/excuse for staying where you are at and not allowing yourself to grow.
There’s a hidden mechanism that creates unhappiness, difficulty changing habits, frustration, anger and disappointment.
Very few people are aware of this hidden mechanism, even though it’s happening ALL the time, with all of us.
It’s the stories we tell ourselves!
Have you ever jumped to conclusions without having all of the information?
If so, you’re not alone. Every day, we make up our own remarkable stories. “I’m too young,” "I'm too old," “I’m too fat,” or “I don’t know enough.” Sound familiar? Your thoughts are more common than you think. These stories aren’t simply inaccurate; they’re destructive.
They are the defenses behind all of our words and actions. Our justifications for who we are and why we behave the way we do. They are the invisible forces that run our lives. Our stories are the excuses we use to explain away the condition of our lives. We think they keep us safe by shielding us from the questions and judgements of others; but when you stop and look and listen, you’ll realise the uncomfortable truth.
They’re just stories. Outdated, limited belief systems that we like to repeat to ourselves and others over and over again until, hopefully, someone believes them. Your beliefs are not always real, you don’t have to believe the things you do. You blindly believe most of the things you do simply because your parents or teachers or anyone else who raised you told you what to believe about yourself and the world. So many of your stories are based on beliefs about your race, your religion, your culture, your gender, your nationality, your financial status, your…well... You name it, you’ve got a belief about it and therefore a story relating to it. Your stories are not the truth of who you are, they are constructs that are very often based on someone else’s experiences, not your own. And yet you let them define you. Being dissident means carving your own path, learnng based on your own experiences. Your stories are the bricks that have built a wall between you and the life you really want to be living.
Think of all the repetitive stories you use every day to explain why your life isn’t working for you:
Your own mind can be your toughest opponent or your best ally. You don’t have to justify the state of your life by telling yourself untrue stories to explain why you are where you are. Step forward into a life of ownership and total honesty. The truth will always, always set you free.
You can have your stories and beliefs and excuses or you can live an empowered life filled with inspiring results, but you can’t have both!
Live in the NOW, live on purpose ,realize that you are NOT defined by anything in this life other than what you allow. You have the extreme power to write your own story and make it a best seller! so... What's your story?? Stay Dissident!
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