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The Struggle Makes You Stronger

March 11, 2019

The Struggle Makes You Stronger

Struggle is the best teacher: better than any leader, coach or mentor. But only when you embrace it, understand it, and you’re willing to go the distance. It may contain within it the lesson that teaches you patience, discipline, hard work, persistence or many other valuable life lessons that can only be learned by finding the gift within your struggle!

Imagine if you got what you wanted every time: no struggles, no challenges, no hard work required.  Some of you might think, "that sounds great!" But all that will do is make you weak. When something hard comes your way, you'll crack and you won't know how to work through it, because you have never gone through something that strengthened you, that built your character. There is no growth without struggle. You can't develop strength without resistance, without challenges, without stepping out of your comfort zone.

Pressure can bust pipes but it can also make diamonds.

The common saying "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" has a very profound truth to it. What you overcome in life makes you richer in every way. When you are in that dark place looking for a way out of your hardship, you are faced with two choices: give up or dig deep into the inner resources that you didn't even know you had, and come out of it stronger and more humble than you were before.

Life never hands out things that you can't handle. How you approach it will dictate how your get through it. You can assume the victim role and feel sorry for yourself, or you can reach into the essence of who you are and find your inner strength. Then demand to rise up and meet your challenges head on.

You Are Stronger Than You Think!

Sometimes the things you think are holding you back are actually giving you the tools to grow into the best version of yourself! They make you stronger, wiser and more humble. Don't let them break you, let them make you!



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