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What made you first get into fitness? My fitness journey began back in 2000. I wanted to compete in bodybuilding as a hobby away from my law enforcement career. I needed something to relieve stress. I trained about 2 years and started competing in the NPC in 2002. I placed first in the middleweight class at the Nebraska State NPC RK Solid fitness and figure, and third overall. After, I stopped competing due to my SWAT days but still worked out. In 2008 I decided to get my personal training certification through the IFPA. I continued that on the side until 2011. I left law enforcement and moved my family to Omaha, NE. After a few years of depression after leaving my career and great teammates I gained allot of weight and reached around 275lbs on a 5’7” frame. I was having pains in my neck, shortness of breath, wasn’t sleeping good, and drinking 6 energy drinks a day. In September 2014 a friend showed up at my house and said “let’s go! We are getting gym memberships.” We went and signed up and started this current journey. I went to the doctor got my blood levels checked and started a balancing fitness journey to see what I could accomplish again. |
What motivates you to show up every day?
My daily motivation is fear and the mirror. To explain, I fear the possibility to gaining the weight I had and feeling tired, and not wanting to do anything again. The mirror motivates me every morning while in a fasting state showing the accomplishments over this 3-year journey. Second, would have to be the friends I have gained over this journey especially the ones I help coach after they have seen my transformation. Finally, Dissident and this awesome family I am humbled to be a part of. Those days I want to rest, I look on our team page and get highly motivated by the accomplishments of my teammates.
What are your Health and fitness goals for the future?
The future is a great question? Right now trying to keep up at 40 with father time has been an interesting challenge. I don’t believe I have it in me to compete on stage again. However, allowing myself to stay in this shape I hope to maybe represent DSDNT in a larger capacity. Whether it be as a motivator, maybe a rep at fitness shows, coach/ advisor, etc. My heart will always be with DSDNT and what it has allowed me to do such as build my social media (over 13,000 on InstaGram) and confidence. DSDNT allowed me to be picked up by a great supplement company 1stphorm as a legionnaire, because of the spotlights and posts for DSDNT. The amount of people that ask for guidance and allowed me to help them accomplish some milestones has been a great honor not taken lightly. I currently do allot of research and have been testing SARMS (Selective androgen Receptors) to look at the future to possibly prevent muscle wastage as we get older. I currently have a TRT/ age rejuvenation Doctor that has shown interest in following me with this journey for larger research purposes.
What’s your favorite exercise?
I would have to say my favorite is flat bench press. Why? I believe next to squat is the only exercise that shows overall true strength during a person’s strength training. Having to use a complex set of muscles to reach the overall press is amazing to me. Flat bench and squat in my opinion is needed to grow your best overall mass the body is capable of. Many studies have shown the thyroid release of free testosterone with these two exercises are unmatchable to any other exercises.
What made you choose Dissident Gym Wear and why do you feel like you relate to the DISSIDENT Brand message?
Dissident choose me in a way. Funny story, I was fairly new to Instagram around July 2016. On my Bio page I seen a red flag at the top corner not really sure what it was. I thought it was alerting me of new followers. I finally clicked on it in August, and seen a message from Gio from July. It was a message stating he had followed some of my posts and noticed my journey and asked to check into DSDNT to see if I would be interested in being a brand ambassador for him. We exchanged multiple messages after I looked into DSDNT. I liked the look, loved some of the positive messages. Overall I think I choose DSDNT because of Gio. I felt a certain comfort level with Gio and found him genuine. Many companies just want someone to wear the clothing and care on sales only, not really the person believing in the company. I found this wasn’t true with Gio. I also was sold after seeing the rest of the team at that time. I believe there was only about 60 of us at the time. The motivation I seen with some of the team was uplifting and I knew this is where I wanted to be. |
What is your favorite Dissident piece?
My favorite pieces are of course the Tune Out hoodies! I have every one of them except for the new white one which I believe is coming soon. DSDNT hit gold in my opinion with these tune out style hoodies. Whether wearing the older classic style or the newer deep cuts, I get approached continuously from people acquiring about them. I really haven’t found another company close to having a hoodie as fashionable as ours. True, funny story, is I received a IG message from social media star Robert Frank 615 about liking our hoodie styles.
What's your proudest fitness achievement?
My proudest moment is probably reaching a goal weight of 219, and accomplishing a max bench of 405lbs. I am currently heavier and lift more, but for that body weight reaching that max bench, I truly felt great and even got a little teary eyed. I was in such a darker place and felt worthless just 18 months prior.
What is your advice to anyone looking to improve their health and fitness?
Advice I would have to give is the mind is truly powerful. Your mind can make you feel the worst and take you to the lowest place, or it can lift you to accomplish remarkable goals. It may take motivation form friends and family along the way, but nothing is unreachable in a person’s fitness journey. DSDNT has a great backing and team. At any time, there is encouragement and motivation with a click of a button. The first step in many people’s journey is the hardest, and that is walking into that gym or fitness center for the first time, or in years. Don’t let body shame or excuses such as having no time defeat your potential or ultimate goal.
What’s your favorite Quote?
My favorite quote actually is my own. Back in 1999 we used to hand out police baseball cards to children. These cards had our personal profile on them. My personal quote is something I have always tried to live by. It stated “Your life is guided by the decisions you make. Your goals can be accomplished if you are willing to test your abilities on the obstacles that may lie ahead.” |
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