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You're Closer Than You Were Yesterday

December 16, 2019

You're Closer Than You Were Yesterday


 It may look as if you are still where you used to be, and you may have this feeling of stagnation, probably because the results are not coming as soon as you expected. You may not be there yet, but we can assure you that you are not where you were yesterday. Your daily commitment to your growth and progress is like taking steps — it doesn't look significant at first, however, if you hang on long enough, you will see how far you have come from where you started from.  

To appreciate how far you have come, you need to clearly define your goals and also try to recall where you used to be and what you used to do. You will notice that improvement if you have been committed to becoming better.

Even if your efforts have not yielded tangible results, you need to know that every effort you make helps you to grow, and when you grow, your capacity to handle life gets improved. Be committed to taking these little steps and you will see yourself where you want to be.

Stop comparing yourself with others. Your path to success is different from what others have or have chosen, and you need to know that. You will put yourself under unnecessary pressure if you give up because you see one or two people who seem to be making more progress that you. You are your real competition and the real trophy is a better you.

We admit that it can be frustrating to put in so much and not see anything at a given time. You need to trust in the power of your efforts to break the limits and obtain the results for you. Do not give up because you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. The light is always there, whether you see it or not.

As much as we love to succeed and be happy, we always want to be sure that we pay attention to the process that leads to success. Commit yourself to the process and you will see yourself getting better at it.  

The goal is to keep improving as you go day-to-day until you begin to see results. Anything you are able to move on the first day is not the real deal. If you want greatness, you need to settle down, build momentum, work hard — and push and push until you see things moving. Do not despise the days of preparation simply because you do not see the immediate results. 

Martin Luther King once said, “If you cannot fly, run; if you cannot run, walk; if you cannot walk, crawl; whatever you do, just make sure that you are moving.” You owe yourself your best and you need to continue to give it. Keep piling pressure on your challenges, and one of these days, you will see them give way one by one.

It takes only one blow to shatter a concrete wall, but if you are the one trying to pull down the wall, you may have to give hundreds of blows, if not thousands. If you give up after the first blow, you will never succeed. From the first blow to the last, keep the pace, keep the passion, and keep hitting hard. You are about to strike gold.


Be Dissident, be YOU!

Dissident is dedicated to helping more people say, "I CAN!" through our motivational workout clothes and top of the line fitness apparel for both men and women. When those around you are giving in to the pressure, the DISSIDENT team stands strong. 

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