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Importance of Healthy Sleep Patterns; How To Set Them

March 29, 2018

Importance of Healthy Sleep Patterns;  How To Set Them

Every sleep problem has its root in a lack of proper orientation about sleep and how to get the best of it. If you are looking to get rid of the fogginess, the grumpiness and the general edginess that is fast becoming a constant companion, you need to sleep better; not just today, but also every day.

It is becoming alarming how little people sleep this days and even when you get to sleep, it appears that it is not having the desired effect of relaxation, rest and recuperation. This may be due to the excruciating long hours of work, a lifestyle that doesn’t encourage enough rest, the fast and furious 21st century or a combination of all. However, you still need your good rest.

A healthy sleep pattern does not only guarantee that you will get more sleep, it also ensures that you are getting quality sleep. Here are the benefits:

  1. Improved hours of rest: You get to decide when you will sleep and when you will wake up. I always recommend at least 7 hours.
  2. Improved quality of sleep: You also get to sleep deeply and soundly when you have a proper sleeping pattern.
  3. A feeling of rest and relaxation afterwards: You wake up in the morning and you feel brand new!
  4. Development of a sound mind: A rested mind is a restored mind. Worry becomes distant and you are ready to take on all the complications of the day.
  5. A boost in immunity and general health: Rest promotes healing and production of hormones that fortify the body.
  6. Improved alertness and intelligence: A rested body has an excellent nerve conduction and response.
  7. Improved sex life: Rest boosts libido and gets you well in the mood.
  8. An awesome mood: This is one of the most vital advantages; it helps you to become a better person capable of building stronger relationships and feeling better about life generally.

How to set them:

  1. Own your sleep: Make sure you set a realistic and convenient sleeping time and duration.
  2. Avoid chemicals that affect sleep such as caffeine, nicotine and alcohol.
  3. Do something that calms you before you go to bed.
  4. Exercise and good food is important for good sleep.
  5. No napping close to bed time.
  6. No eating close to bed time.
  7. Stick to your time.

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