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Phase 1 - Training

The first training block will consist of both an upper body workout and lower body workout. Each workout should be done at least 2x’s a week, for a total of 4 workouts in a 7 day period. Depending on your personal goals you may wish to repeat an additional workout during the week; especially if there is a body part you’re focusing on, such as the legs and do the lower body program 3x’s in a week.

The format we are focusing on for the first training block is “wave loading” Wave loading is a great way to build strength and get a huge spike in the nervous system and metabolism by alternating heavy sets with lighter sets.


If you look at the program chart below, the exercise designated by letter and number. This program will be done using super sets; that is, two pairings of exercises performed back to back. Do the first exercise in A1 then go right to the second exercise A2, then rest after you complete the two. 




You’ll notice there are two repetition brackets designated by HI and LO. This is for the wave loading method mentioned earlier. It’s recommended (after properly warming up), you start your first set with the HI rep range and a weight that will allow you to perform the prescribed number of reps. The next set you wave up (making the weight heavier) and perform the LO repetition range. Keep alternating your sets back and forth between the HI and LO.

Always remember that repetitions dictate the amount of weight you use on a particular exercise. A prescribed repetition range of say 8-10 means you select a weight that will only allow for you to perform between 8 and 10 repetitions. If you can only do 7 the weight is too heavy, if you can do more than 10 the weight is too light. This is the most commonly misapplied training parameter.


You’re going to perform at least 6 sets of each pairing, you’ll be adding to the density of your overall training volume with each set, it’s up to your own discretion to determine if you want to go a full 8 sets. More advanced or experienced trainees may want to give the 8 sets a shot.


This is a big one, tempos for the majority of exercises need to be slow and controlled. I’ve given general recommendations on training tempos for each pairing. Make sure you use proper form and keep an appropriate amount of time under tension on the muscle groups you’re working. An example of a slow tempo would be taking 3 or 4 seconds to lower the bar on a bench press and taking 2-3 seconds to press it up.


Another important one, rest periods need to be adhered to strictly, this is another parameter that people misapply often. Try to adhere to the prescribed rest periods as closely as possible.


With regards to cardio, you should absolutely do it if you want to make changes in your body composition. How you decide to do it is a different story. As stated throughout this whole program, it’s hard to get into specifics to accommodate a broad audience. For these reasons we’ll provide a framework for cardio that you can fill in with your own personal preferences and details. From a body composition standpoint, cardio has different applications in different phases of your training. Interval style cardio is recommended for changes in body composition. Interval cardio is basically alternating periods of higher intensity with lower intensity work. It’s important to understand that interval training is a methodology; for example high intensity interval training is a type of interval training methodology. With that said here is a framework for you to follow:
Pick 3 different exercises to perform for alternating periods of high and low intensity for 10 minutes each. This would make your cardio workout a total of 30 minutes. For each 10 minute segment you’ll alternate high and low intensity every other minute.

Sample workout

Treadmill - sprints (High intensity) 1 min , uphill walk (Low intensity) 1 min – up to 10 minutes.
Rowing machine - High powered row for 1 minute, slower recovery row for 1 minute- up to 10 minutes.
Jump rope - Regular jump for 1 minute, double jump for 1 min.
You can choose cardio machines, bodyweight exercises, boxing, etc. What you do is not as important as how you do it. Whatever activity you select, you have to be able to adjust the intensity in some way to do it interval style to work hard for 1 minute and then work easier to recover for a minute.
You can do cardio 2-3x a week but again adjust to your needs. If you decide to do cardio in the same day or time as your training perform it after weight training.  

How long will this take?

Each of these programs should take you no more than an hour to complete (about 50 minutes to be a little more precise). If it’s taking you longer than an hour to do this program, re-examine the protocol. Are you sticking to the parameters and rest periods? Are you using too much weight? Are you not conditioned for the pace of this particular program? These are all questions to evaluate. A lot of times trainees aren’t conditioned to the pace of the program, that doesn’t mean you’re out of shape that just means you have to get conditioned. Try to improve a little bit at a time with whatever training parameter you’re having trouble with, if you continue to stick with it you’ll get there.


A little wiggle room has been built into this program. For those that have more specific training goals and would like to add on to this program feel free to do so. For example you may have a body part that you want to give more attention to, say the arms for example. Select two exercises to perform a superset with , utilizing the same training parameters of sets, reps and tempos for best results and program consistency.

Some of you may not have access to a lot of equipment. Technically all of these movements can be done with dumbbells. If you have the option using a barbells as much as possible is recommended, you tend to get a greater activation of the nervous system relative to dumbbells. However form and performance is more important. If a barbell is too heavy for you to do with good form and/or won’t allow for you to complete the amount of sets, reps, etc. switch to dumbbells.


Now remember that this program was designed to be applied to as many as possible. Training can be highly individualized but this system was well thought out to cover a broad range. There are many ways to skin a cat and there are always ways to do things better or different. We’re not saying this is the best program and the only program to do, we’re saying try it out, work it and see how much you can extract out of it. Remember the goals of this program are to change body composition which is “state-dependent” from a physiological standpoint. The states and thresholds you need to hit can be accomplished with this program if performed in the format that’s laid out. Again everyone is at different levels and the program is open ended for you to add on what you wish for your own customization. If you would like any assistance or recommendations to customize this further for your own goals don’t hesitate to ask!

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